Coronavirus is here. Some are saying that people are overreacting. Others are saying we're not doing enough. Just this morning, I was walking through Grand Central and it was EMPTY. Here's a photo I took at 9:30am: But what I think is most scary is not the disease itself, but the unknown. What's going to happen to our jobs? What's going to happen to the businesses we buy from (or own)? Will the government lock everyone down for a 2-week quarantine? What will happen to the economy? And what will happen to our investments if the market keeps plunging? So many questions and so few answers. No one knows for sure how serious the Coronavirus really is. Some say it's deadly, others say it's not much worse than the flu. And we keep getting messages in our inboxes about all these sanitizing protocols that companies are following to "keep us safe." Well, regardless of where your fears lie, there is one thing I think we could all use a little more of right now, and that's leadership. Wouldn't it be nice if someone just told us exactly what to do – and they reassured us that everything would be OK? Well, you and I both know that's impossible because NO ONE has the answers right now. And when no one has the answers, there's only one thing we can do: Turn to ourselves. So... in this difficult time, I have just one request to make of you: It's time to look yourself in the mirror and say, "I won't let my fears cripple me. I will use them to make me stronger." The fact is, in every situation – even the most dire – there is value to be found if you look hard enough. Whether it's simply a learning experience or something much bigger, there is always value to be found. And it's your job to find it. Whether you use this time to deeply connect with loved ones or you simply start strategizing on how to go after that goal you've been putting off for a while – now's the time to push yourself. So stop for a moment and ask: How can I use the Coronavirus situation to my advantage? Remember: the world is not out to HURT us. The world is out to TEST us and force us to grow. This is our chance to shine and become the best possible versions of ourselves. This is our chance to become TRUE LEADERS. No matter how bad things get, I know you have it within yourself to find the light and help those around you see it too. So go out there and make someone smile – even if it's just yourself. (and the City Headshots team wants me to remind you - no fake smiles!) And here's our sanitization message from City Headshots:
We too are closely monitoring updates and announcements on the Coronavirus from the CDC and local officials. We're taking special steps to keep our studios functioning safely for everyone, and these include using hospital grade sanitizing solutions and ensuring a high-degree of ventilation during indoor shoots. Ways you can help:
I am incredibly proud of our team for their continued commitment and diligence around studio cleanliness and ensuring every one of our clients is given the absolute best quality service and care. Stay safe, and don't hesitate to reply back with questions or concerns. And if you feel this blog post might be helpful to someone you know, feel free to send them the link. - Martin (City Headshots Founder) Comments are closed.