- Retouched Images
Retouched Images
Choose the number of retouched images you are paying for. Note - Some packages include retouches, so be sure to only pay for the extras you are ordering beyond what's included in the packages already.
Standard Retouching includes teeth whitening, dark circles under the eyes removal, eye brightening, and blemish removal. You can request a second pass of edits for no extra charge, but if you require Advanced Retouching (hair changes, skin smoothing, facial or body slimming, clothing wrinkles fixed, stubble removal, hair color changing, etc.), there is an additional charge if the request is possible.
We'll let you know in advance if something isn't possible to do and can send you a link for advanced retouching payment separately.
Note: If your payment doesn't seem to go through, please try a different browser or device (sometimes Mac Safari browser has issues).