Online Dating Photographer
Tips and Tricks to Look Great in Photos
(Updated 2021)
Ever think about these questions?
Well, on this page we'll discuss all of these and more.
We'll outline some of the top tips to increase your online dating success PLUS share some little-known secrets to successful online dating that you probably haven't heard of before.
- "Should you smile in Tinder photos?"
- "How do you get noticed on online dating?"
- "Should I get professional photos for online dating?"
Well, on this page we'll discuss all of these and more.
We'll outline some of the top tips to increase your online dating success PLUS share some little-known secrets to successful online dating that you probably haven't heard of before.
How Do I Make My Dating Profile Stand Out?
There are so many absolutely TERRIBLE dating profiles that it doesn't take too much work to stand out.
While creating an OK profile will get you some interest, spending a bit more time to make it well-written, engaging and interesting will get you TONS of interest.
A fantastic online dating profile should:
While creating an OK profile will get you some interest, spending a bit more time to make it well-written, engaging and interesting will get you TONS of interest.
A fantastic online dating profile should:
- Be up to date. Keep your profile full of recent and noteworthy bits of information about you. Don't think that just because you created your online profile 2 years ago, it doesn't have to change anymore - make sure it's full of recent info so people know who you are today, not who you were last year.
- Contain at least one interesting story. Stories are the most effective way to get people interested in you. Tell a funny story or interesting anecdote about something that happened to you, along with what you learned from it. This does three things: First, it gets them interested in learning more about you to see other stories you might have. Second, it shows you are humble and learn from your mistakes, which is a great quality. Finally, it gives people a sense of who you are and where your interests lie in a much more human way than just posting bland "quality" words that could be lies or made up.
- Contain a minimum of three photos showing you doing things. Online dating photos of you looking at the camera with a fake smile are not likely to attract many people because you'll look too posed or boring. Instead, your dating portraits should be more varied! You should have one primary headshot (closeup of your face) and two shots where you're engaging in an activity you enjoy doing. Think about what your activity says to the other person – holding a beer sends a completely different message than sitting outside with a book in hand.
- Not include any group photos. This is because group shots can be confusing and they distract from you. And don't crop yourself out of photos with other people because it could lead to whoever is looking at your profile wondering, "Who is that other person? Do they have a girlfriend or boyfriend they're not mentioning?"
- Be honest and positive so you don't come across as negative and fake. Your online dating profile should show your best qualities and talk about things you really enjoy or want in a partner. Don't talk about what you don't like or people will see you as a negative person. Make sure you're honest because if you put out a fake personality on the internet, you'll just wind up attracting the wrong people who won't want to be with you.
- Constantly be in a testing phase, where you're trying different things. Test for two weeks at a time and see how many responses you get. After two weeks, try using a different profile picture or write your bio in a different way. Doing this will allow you to find over time what profile works best for you and generates the most interest from people you'd like to meet. But remember, only test one new thing at a time or you won't know what made the difference!
Should I Get Professional Photos for Online Dating?
Besides increasing your likelihood of getting clicks, engagement, and messages, professional online dating pictures give you the opportunity to control every aspect of your photo.
What this means is that you can subliminally alter how the person looking at your picture perceives you just by what's happening in the photo.
For example, if you want to show someone you're a leader and you love hiking, perhaps you can take a photo in the woods holding a map, with 1-2 people standing behind you. This shows you're leading the group, but that you also enjoy being in the great outdoors.
Another benefit to hiring an online dating profile photographer is that you get complete control of how you look from customized lighting.
Since you don't want it to look like you paid for online dating photography, but at the same time you want to look your best, a dating profile photographer can control the directionality the light so it slims your face and highlights your best features. This is a subliminal way to improve the way you look (without retouching so the image is fake).
What this means is that you can subliminally alter how the person looking at your picture perceives you just by what's happening in the photo.
For example, if you want to show someone you're a leader and you love hiking, perhaps you can take a photo in the woods holding a map, with 1-2 people standing behind you. This shows you're leading the group, but that you also enjoy being in the great outdoors.
Another benefit to hiring an online dating profile photographer is that you get complete control of how you look from customized lighting.
Since you don't want it to look like you paid for online dating photography, but at the same time you want to look your best, a dating profile photographer can control the directionality the light so it slims your face and highlights your best features. This is a subliminal way to improve the way you look (without retouching so the image is fake).
Should You Smile in Online Dating Photos?
Yes. This goes for both women AND men.
According to this research study by Photofeeler, smiling in your online dating headshots improves the number of clicks and engagement you get, whether you're a guy or girl.
However, and very importantly, men should NOT look at the camera, and women SHOULD look at the camera.
When men look at the camera (especially with serious expressions), it can feel intimidating. When women look at the camera, they look more trustworthy and friendly.
According to this research study by Photofeeler, smiling in your online dating headshots improves the number of clicks and engagement you get, whether you're a guy or girl.
However, and very importantly, men should NOT look at the camera, and women SHOULD look at the camera.
When men look at the camera (especially with serious expressions), it can feel intimidating. When women look at the camera, they look more trustworthy and friendly.
How Can a Guy Look More Attractive in Pictures?
This is a question we get asked a lot. There are a few simple things you can do as a guy to make yourself appear more attractive.
Women can use these tips too:
Women can use these tips too:
- Know your best side. Almost everyone has a better side, and if you can find yours and use it to your advantage, you'll instantly look better in photos. Here's a great article that shows you exactly how to find your best side: A Step by Step Guide to Finding Your Best Angle and Looking More Photogenic. Note: some dating app photographers can help you find your best side, but some can't, so be wary of that before hiring someone.
- Make sure your photographer understands lighting. You don't want your Tinder headshots to look like they were done professionally, meaning the photographer should NOT blur out the background or do very creative things with the lighting. Instead, it should look just like a snapshot of you doing something fun and engaging. But the photographer SHOULD use light to carve out your best features and highlight your eyes. They should be able to customize the light to your best side so you look better than you do in regular snapshots.
- Smile. Smiling makes everyone look more attractive, and whether you show teeth or not is completely up to you. As long as you have a genuinely approachable and relaxed expression, you'll look more attractive than if you seem serious or intense. The best way to get a good smile is just to laugh (even if it's a fake laugh)! Related: Should I Smile or Not Smile in Headshots?
- Take care of yourself. This should go without saying, but eating healthier, exercising, and drinking less can all improve your complexion and make you more attractive. But of course that's a long-term solution. The short term solution is to...
- Do some light retouching. You can have blemishes removed, teeth whitened a bit, and even soften some wrinkles or lighten up under-eye circles with Photoshop. A word of warning here: don't over-retouch your photo. Making yourself look too different than you do in real life will just result in disappointment when people meet you. Instead of them liking you for your personality and setting aside their first impressions, they'll immediately think of you as someone who is dishonest. Is that the first impression you want to make? Learn about the retouching work we do here.
How Many Pictures on Tinder and Other Dating Apps?
Generally, you should aim for a minimum of three photos on any online dating sites. You should have one primary headshot photo, and two photos of you engaging is some sort of fun activity related to your interests.
Is There a Dating App With No Pictures?
This is a great question! There are a few apps that don't include pictures, but they aren't very popular and generally don't get many users. Learn more about dating apps without pictures here.
What Kind of Profile Pictures Do Guys Like?
Another great question we get asked a lot. Guys can also benefit from these tips:
Learn all about what to wear in photos by checking out this article: What to Wear for Photos: The Definitive Guide
- Your photo must look like you and be easy to see. Your primary photo should be a very clear closeup of your face. Too many women hide behind sunglasses, wear hats, or use bad lighting. Others turn their face at really strong angles, making it difficult to see what you really look like. If you're a guy, avoid sunglasses and look AWAY from the camera (but make sure you have a great, laughing-type smile).
- What you're wearing must communicate what you want from the relationship. If you want a long-term relationship, avoid wearing clothes that show cleavage or get a guy thinking about sex. It's better to just wear something casual, the way you'd look on a weekend hanging out with friends. And don't wear business-professional clothes or you'll look too stuffy.
- Wear color. Wearing black tends to look too somber and serious, as do gray tones. Rich deep colors work best for attracting more clicks on your profile!
Learn all about what to wear in photos by checking out this article: What to Wear for Photos: The Definitive Guide
Your Dating Profile Headshot
Investing in high-quality photos for online dating purposes shows you're the type of person who is willing to do what you can to make your relationship a success. You really care, and whoever you meet is going to appreciate that about you.
Your primary photo is the most important part of your online dating profile. You can also post it on your social media pages and put it on your LinkedIn page for professional use (if you work in a non-formal industry). A high quality headshot with a friendly expression shows people you're fun, relaxed, and easy to get along with.
A great online dating headshot should:
Your primary photo is the most important part of your online dating profile. You can also post it on your social media pages and put it on your LinkedIn page for professional use (if you work in a non-formal industry). A high quality headshot with a friendly expression shows people you're fun, relaxed, and easy to get along with.
A great online dating headshot should:
- Be up to date (ideally less than 2 years old) Keeping your headshot fresh and looking the way you look in real life means those who meet you won't feel deceived when they meet you in person
- Be in color, not black and white, because it's better for people to be able to see your actual hair and eye color
- Have a natural, real-life background because you don't want your dating shot to look like a formal business portrait
- Show a friendly, genuine emotion to form a memorable connection with the person looking at it - if you aren't smiling, less people will be interested in approaching you because you won't seem easy to get along with
- Show you the way you look on your best day, and not be overly retouched
- Contain clean and bright lighting so we can see you clearly
- Not contain distracting elements like strongly patterned clothing or a busy background
How Do I Take a Good Dating Profile Picture?
In addition to your headshot, you must also have other creative photos in dating profile, such and full and half body shots where you're looking away from the camera or doing something. Dating photography is meant not to look ultra professional but rather capture you in a natural way where the lighting and angles look the most flattering.
Here are some online dating picture tips:
Here are some online dating picture tips:
- Your photos should show you in action. Visitors to your profile need to connect with someone visually. Text is great for getting across ideas, but potential matches want to see who you are and what you're like. A great set of headshots can only take you so far because they are just a closeup of your face. For online dating, you need to have body shots where you're interacting with the environment (as mentioned previously, avoid other people in your photos because studies have shown you'll get a 42% lower response rate).
- Show you looking at and away from the camera. Men tend to fare better when they are looking away from the camera and women tend to fare better when they're looking at the camera. Take some of both types so you have both options on your page.
- Avoid direct flash. Not only will you get red-eye, but direct flash on average makes you appear 7 years older! Skip the flash and use natural light.
- Include pets. Did you know that, even though you might receive less clicks if you have a pet, your relationship is more likely to last if you include your pet in a photo? It's true. When you hide the fact that you have a pet, chances are the person meeting you might be unhappy if they don't like pets. On the other hand, if you show your pet in your pictures, you'll only receive responses from people who like pets, and your relationship with them is likely to last longer.
- Show off your adventures. Use photos that show you doing interesting things. Sports photos are great. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that beach photos tend to get fewer responses because they tend to be overexposed and too bright (if not shot by a professional photographer), so avoid those if possible!
Online Dating Photographers
The number one way to improve your online dating success is by using higher-quality photos, and that all starts with hiring an experienced dating profile photographer.
It's easy to find a good dating profile photographer – all you have to do is search Google for some of the following terms:
And if you're based in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut, we'd love to work with you!
Maybe one day we'll even be able to take your engagement and wedding photos too :)
It's easy to find a good dating profile photographer – all you have to do is search Google for some of the following terms:
- Online dating photographer near me
- Photographer for dating profile
- Online dating photographer NYC (or whatever city you're in)
And if you're based in New York, New Jersey, or Connecticut, we'd love to work with you!
Maybe one day we'll even be able to take your engagement and wedding photos too :)
Let's chat.
Let's see how we can help take your online dating success up a notch.
We've worked with over 25,000 people since 2009 and understand deeply how to ensure everyone looks their best on-camera.
Click the button below to read about our packages or you can call us at (212) 706-1902. We'd love to work with you!
We've worked with over 25,000 people since 2009 and understand deeply how to ensure everyone looks their best on-camera.
Click the button below to read about our packages or you can call us at (212) 706-1902. We'd love to work with you!