Find My Best Photo™
Use Real Data to Determine Your Top Performing Photo
Want help narrowing your images down and real data to determine which photo will represent you best?
When you order Find My Best Photo™, we'll email you within a few hours suggesting our top 5 favorite images from your shoot. After you give us the go-ahead, we'll run a test where 40 randomized people will vote and rank your images on Competence, Likability, and Influence.
You'll then receive an email in 1 business day from us containing a report like the one below (but with 5 photos).
At that point, you can let us know which final photo(s) you'll want retouched.
When you order Find My Best Photo™, we'll email you within a few hours suggesting our top 5 favorite images from your shoot. After you give us the go-ahead, we'll run a test where 40 randomized people will vote and rank your images on Competence, Likability, and Influence.
You'll then receive an email in 1 business day from us containing a report like the one below (but with 5 photos).
At that point, you can let us know which final photo(s) you'll want retouched.
What's Included in Find My Best Photo™
- Direct, Measurable & Quick Results: Within 2 business days, you'll be completely confident in your images when you receive the report showing how your top 5 images rank on competence, likability, and influence, based on the votes of 40 randomized people.
- Our Personal Help Choosing Your Photos (if you want): Using our expertise of expression, body position, and what makes for a great image, we'll save you time and make it easier to narrow all your photos down to the top 5 for testing. This is optional - you are always welcome to select your own top five favorites.
- Privacy: The images will be kept anonymous during the testing process so that no one knows who you are.
- Real Results: There are actual, real people voting on your images. This is not an automated or AI system, so you know the results are legitimate.
Total Cost: $99
Just click the "Buy Now" button to place your order and get started.
(we'll reach out to you within a few business hours)
Just click the "Buy Now" button to place your order and get started.
(we'll reach out to you within a few business hours)