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Q&A: "Do I have any say over the background & style for my shot?"
Absolutely. At the start of your shoot, we'll discuss your goals:
- Need a pro headshot for LinkedIn or a corporate website? We'll shoot closer in, headshot style. At the start of your session, we'll discuss your industry and the type of background that will work best for you – studio backdrop in gray, white, etc., outdoor/blurry backdrop, etc. (or we'll match any specs you have – see the note at the bottom of this page).
- Looking for a range of photos for marketing/branding purposes (or online dating)? We'll help come up with ideas for your shots and let you see the photos as the session progresses to make sure you're happy with everything.
- Not sure exactly what you need? Just send us an email and we'll help you figure out what package will work best and what background(s) to shoot on. We'll even send you guidance on how to prep for your shoot – including makeup, clothing, and what to bring.
Q&A: "I need to match a certain background. Is that possible?"
Absolutely! Feel free to email us at [email protected] with your specifications (or a photo you need to match) and we'll confirm it's doable. Once we confirm, it means we guarantee we'll match those specs exactly for your final shot(s).