If you read this blog, you're probably a goal-oriented person and always find yourself working hard. But sometimes, you just need to relax! A hobby like bowling is a great way to de-stress, which can actually help you succeed in your career even more! Joan Bentsen (our founder Martin Bentsen's mom) specializes in teaching bowling tips and is here today to talk about some of the benefits of bowling to help you become even more successful in your career! Article by Joan Bentsen:
People need to have a good life/work balance in order to stay healthy. They say too much stress can shorten your life span. Because bowling is a physical activity, there are so many health benefits that can be gained by joining a weekly league or just bowling a few games over the weekends:
These are just a few of the many benefits that can come from a weekly physical activity like Bowling. It’s also lots of fun and a great way to spend quality time with family and friends. Mixed groups can play together, and since it’s played indoors, it can be played at any time of the year. It’s inexpensive and a fun way to meet new people, which can help grow your professional network too. Over time, you can master the sport and even make some extra cash by winning in various tournaments. So do yourself and your loved ones a favor by staying healthy and signing up for some kind of weekly physical activity, like bowling!! Learn more about Joan Bentsen's bowling expertise at Joanie's Bowling Blog. Comments are closed.